Advisory Board
The members of the Advisory Board act as ambassadors for the journal throughout the scientific community. They offer scientific support to the editor: making various suggestions; they may write book reviews; act as reviewers for manuscripts, or suggest external reviewers.
Members of the Advisory Board:
Dr. Nicolas Adell (Maître de Conférences, l’Université de Toulouse – Jean Jaurès; Directeur de la revue Ethnologie française, France)
Dr. Dominique Belkis (Chercheur e.s., Université de Saint-Etienne & Centre Max Weber, France)
Dr. Margaret H. Beissinger (Research Scholar and Lecturer, Princeton University, USA)
Dr. Sanda Golopenția (Professor emerita, Brown University, Providence, USA)
Dr. Daniela Koleva (Associate Professor, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
Dr. Tünde Komáromi (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Hungary)
Dr. Krassimira Krastanova (Professor, University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski,” Bulgaria)
Dr. Marianne Mesnil (Professor emerita, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Dr. Seth Murray (Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, USA)
Dr. Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau (Professeur, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales de Paris, France)
Dr. Ioana Popescu (Principal Researcher, retired, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. Zoltán Rostás (Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. Michael Stewart (Senior Lecturer, University College London, UK)
Dr. Mădălina Vârtejanu-Joubert (Maître de Conférences, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales de Paris, France)
Dr. Smaranda Vultur (Professor, Western University, Romania)
Dr. Ana Maria Zahariade (Professor, University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Romania)
Editorial Board
MARTOR Journal is coordinated by a managing editor, who is responsible for the scientific quality of its content. His/her duties include: overviewing the submission process; working together with the editorial staff; subjecting the articles to peer review; communicating with the members of the advisory board, the editorial board, the associated editors, and the authors; submission of the issues to production and distribution processes.
MARTOR Journal has several members of the permanent editorial board, that can review manuscripts, according to the peer-review policy. They make recommendations regarding the quality of manuscripts, recommend external reviewers, and are consulted when themes of future issues are proposed. They can also write book reviews or articles, if the theme of the issue relates to their field of research.
Each issue is coordinated by one or several associated editors. They propose a theme of an issue; are in charge with the selection of the articles after the submission process; review the articles submitted; make suggestions to the authors for improving the text, if necessary; decide the acceptation or rejection of an article; participate to the peer review process, by suggesting specialists; and write the Introduction of the thematic issue.
History of MARTOR Journal Editorial Board, 1996-2016.
Managing editor
The managing editor since 2017 is Dr. Anamaria Iuga (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania).
Editorial board
- Dr. Simina Bădică (House of European History, Belgium)
- Dr. Ana Chirițoiu (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Dr. Habil. Corina Iosif (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania)
- Dr. Sorana-Cristina Man (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania)
- Dr. Daniela Moisa (Département Sociétés, territoires et développement, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada)
- Oana Rădoi (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania)
- Dr. Cătălina Tesăr (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, and University of Bucharest, Romania)
- Dr. Sandor Varga (Szeged University, Hungary)
- Georgiana Vlahbei (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania)
Associated editors
For the issue under preparation (2024) the associated editors are:
- Dr. Anamaria Iuga, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
- Dr. Carmen Mihalache, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
- Magdalena Andreescu, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
Associated editors since the issue 16/2011:
Dr. Gruia Bădescu, University of Oxford, U.K.; University of Konstanz, Germany (2018)
Dr. Simina Bădică, House of European History, Belgium (2018)
Dr. Ileana Benga, Folklore Archive Institute of the Romanian Academy, Romania (2023)
Ana Chirițoiu, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Austria (2020)
Dr. David Crowley, National College of Art and Design, Ireland (2021)
Dr. Corina Doboș, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, and University of Bucharest, Romania (2015)
Dr. Ștefan Dorondel, Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romania (2014)
Dr. Mihai Gheorghiu, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania (2012)
Dr. Bogdan Iancu, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, and National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania (2016, 2017, 2019)
Dr. Alexandra Ion, Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romania (2015)
Dr. Corina Iosif, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania (2017, 2019, 2022)
Dr. Anamaria Iuga, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania (2013, 2016, 2022)
Dr. James Alexander Kapaló, Principal Investigator Hidden Galleries ERC Project, University College Cork, Ireland (2021)
Dr. Krassimira Krastanova, University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski,” Bulgaria (2022)
Dr. Tünde Komáromi, Institute of Social and Communication Studies, Károli Gáspár University, Hungary (2023).
Dr. Maria Mateoniu, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania (2012)
Dr. Vintilă Mihăilescu, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania (2017)
Dr. Bogdan Neagota, Department for Classical Literatures and Languages, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania (2023)
Dr. Gabriela Nicolescu, Curatorial Lead, Hidden Galleries Project, University College Cork, Ireland (2021)
Dr. Daniela Moisa, Laval University, Canada (2011)
Dr. Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales de Paris, France (2022)
Dr. Cătălina Tesăr, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, and University of Bucharest, Romania (2020)
Iris Șerban, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania (2019)
Dr. Stelu Șerban, The Institute for Southeast European Studies, Romania (2014)
Dr. Damiana Oțoiu, University of Bucharest, Romania (2018)
Since 2013, MARTOR Journal is only publishing articles that have been evaluated with the double-blind-peer-review system. The list of the reviewers can be found here. More about the peer-review system applied by the journal can be found here.