Martor No. 21 / Year 2016

Disrupted Landscapes. State, Peasants and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania, by Ștefan Dorondel. Berghahn, New York, Oxford, 2016, 252 p.

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Author: Stelu Șerban

About the author:

Stelu Șerban
The Institute for Southeast European Studies Bucharest, Romania.
E-mail: steluserban at yahoo dot com

Pages: 207-209.

Keywords: postsocialist Romania, transition, collectivization, privatization, landscape, environment studies.

The reviewed volume, the result of a social anthropological research, is largely based on the PhD thesis in agricultural economics which Ştefan Dorondel defended at Humboldt University of Berlin. It examines the circumstances of the return of land property as it occurred in Romania’s rural society, focusing on the case study of two villages in Argeș county.

How to cite this review: Șerban, Stelu. 2016. “Disrupted Landscapes. State, Peasants and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania, by Ștefan Dorondel. Berghahn, New York, Oxford, 2016.” Martor 21: 207-209.