MARTOR no. 29 / year 2024
How to Feel the World and Share it With Others
Magda-Raluca Oprea-Minoiu
National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
PAGES: 196-203
KEYWORDS: Accessibility; vision impairment; volunteers; sensory trails/ tracks; storytelling; workshops.
In October 2022, the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant (NMRP) will start writing an annual project, Shepherding 2.1. The wandering sheep. Colleagues from the Creativity Office, Museum Education section, contributed to the design of museum education activities that made a thematic exhibition accessible to both children and blind people. The article describes this first experience to make accessible an exhibition at the NMRP and captures the main problems identified and the solutions found to these problems, as well as the importance of transdisciplinary approaches and teamwork.
Oprea-Minoiu, Raluca Magda. “How to Feel the World and Share it With Others.” Martor 29, 196-203. [DOI: 10.57225/martor.2024.14]
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