MARTOR no. 28 / year 2023
Emma Wilby. 2019. Invoking the Akelarre. Voices of the Accused in the Basque Witch-Craze, 1609-1614. Brighton, Chicago, Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 480 p.
Reviewed by Ileana Benga
The Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy, Romania
Ileana Benga is senior researcher at “The Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy” Institute in Cluj-Napoca, România (since 1997), adjunct associate professor at the Ethnology Department, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University (teaching traditional rituals since 2013). She is co-founder, together with Bogdan Neagota, associate professor at Babeș-Bolyai University, of Orma Sodalitas Anthropologica (based 2003, founded 2015) which shelters an important ethnological collective archive (begun in 1997 by Bogdan Neagota and Ileana Benga, enriched with many collaborations). Dr. Benga’s fieldwork experience spans three decades and mirrors expertise in the narrative transmission of the patterns of thought, ceremonial and ritual expressions of oral tradition, ethnological taxonomies and cultural transmission in the short and long diachrony.
PAGES: 224-230
KEYWORDS: Emma Wilby; Akelarre; review; Basque; Witch-Craze.
Emma Wilby’s research is shedding light on one of the most outstanding records of Europe’s witchcraft prosecutions, which are the Basque (1609-14), bringing to life both the local witch-craze, in a long trail of academic writing dominated by the momentous work of Gustav Henningsen, and the eventual perspective on co-authoring the testimonials during the confession-making process, a genuinely post-1990 orientation.
Benga, Ileana. 2023. “Emma Wilby. 2019. Invoking the Akelarre. Voices of the Accused in the Basque Witch-Craze, 1609-1614. Brighton, Chicago, Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 480 p.” Martor 28: 224-230. [DOI:10.57225/martor.2023.28.15]
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