Martor No. 24 / Year 2019
The Little White / Black Book of the Ethnological Archive of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. 2009-2019
Iris Șerban, Ioana Popescu, Andra Tarara
National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Bucharest
Pages: 127-150
Keywords: Museum, archive, ethnology, subjectivity, captivity, interdisciplinary team.
In the last 10 years, the Ethnological Archive of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant has gone through different stages during a period marked, on the one hand, by the settling down of the Museum, and on the other hand, by the passing of the torch from the “old” to the “new” generation. At present, the Archive is facing an ambiguous era: while the team blossoms, the lack of vision and financial resources in the wider Romanian cultural context pulls it back. We tell the journey of an Archive kept constantly alive by the people who managed, explored and contributed to its growth; we look back at the successes and the failures, in order to open up the Archive for reflection and possible solutions.
How to cite this article: Șerban, Iris, Ioana Popescu, and Andra Tarara. 2019. “The little white / black book of the Ethnological Archive of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. 2009-2019.” Martor 24: 127-150. [DOI: 10.57225/martor.2019.24.10]