Martor No. 22 / Year 2017
Atelierul de creativitate. A Sentimental Dossier
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Authors: Raluca Oprea-Minoiu, Cosmin Manolache, Ana Pascu, Ciprian Voicilă, Ruxandra Grigorescu, Mirela Florian, Beatrice Iordan, Lidia Stareș, Valentina Bâcu
About the authors:
Raluca Oprea-Minoiu
Head of the Creativity Office, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: raluca.minoiu at muzeultaranuluiroman dot ro
Cosmin Manolache
Museum curator, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: cosmanolo at yahoo dot com
Ana Pascu
Museum curator, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: ana2ania at yahoo dot com
Ciprian Voicilă
Sociologist, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: ciprianvoicila at gmail dot com
Ruxandra Grigorescu
Artist, workshops coordinator, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
Mirela Florian
Researcher, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: mirelaflorian at gmail dot com
Beatrice Iordan
Actor puppeteer and museum educator, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: beatricepetrescu at yahoo dot com
Lidia Stareș
Invited artist, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
Valentina Bâcu
Museum educator, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: valentina.bacu at gmail dot com
Pages: 167-180.
Keywords: Romanian Peasant Museum; Irina Nicolau; Atelierul de creativitate; museum education.
9 stories about people, relationships, creativity, communication;
9 stories about how the educators and artists at the Romanian Peasant Museum open up the museum for adults and children alike, translating its contents into colours, sounds, happenings, and objects.
How to cite this article: Oprea-Minoiu, Raluca, Cosmin Manolache, Ana Pascu, Ciprian Voicilă, Ruxandra Grigorescu, Mirela Florian, Beatrice Iordan, Lidia Stareș, and Valentina Bâcu. 2017. “Atelierul de creativitate. A Sentimental Dossier.” Martor 22: 167-180.