Martor No. 21 / Year 2016
Introduction: A Place for Hay. Flexibility and Continuity in Hay-Meadow Management
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Authors: Anamaria Iuga, Bogdan Iancu, Monica Stroe
About the authors:
Anamaria Iuga
Researcher, PhD., National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: anaiuga at gmail dot com
Bogdan Iancu
Researcher, PhD., National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: bogdan.iancu at politice dot ro
Monica Stroe
Lecturer, PhD., Department of Sociology, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: monica.stroe at politice dot ro
Pages: 7-12.
Keywords: hay, biocultural heritage of hay, interdisciplinary, traditional hay knowledge, grassland management.
The current number of MARTOR journal focuses on the social history of hay, collecting original contributions and multidisciplinary approaches regarding the biocultural heritage of hay. The articles gathered in this issue explore the roles and different understandings attributed to traditional hay knowledge; the role of policies and public incentives in reshaping farmers’ vision of nature and land management practices; the moralities behind hay production; biodiversity and hay production; but also, how hay features in art and museology.
How to cite this article: Iuga, Anamaria, Bogdan Iancu and Monica Stroe. 2016. “Introduction: A Place for Hay. Flexibility and Continuity in Hay-Meadow Management.” Martor 21: 7-12.