Martor No. 21 / Year 2016

Intangible Hay Heritage in Șurdești

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Author: Anamaria Iuga

About the author:

Anamaria Iuga
Researcher, PhD, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Romania
E-mail: anaiuga at gmail dot com

Pages: 67-84.

Keywords: Hay, Șurdești, community, traditional knowledge, intangible heritage

This article presents the intangible heritage related to haymaking and shared by a specific community, namely the village of Șurdești in northern Romania. First the traditional knowledge associated with haymaking is introduced, as exemplified in the practices of cutting and gathering the hay. Secondly, the local beliefs associated with dangerous holidays (when haymaking is forbidden) are outlined. The two aspects of the intangible heritage are presented in their own dynamic and in terms of their moral values, while particular attention is also paid to the role collective memory plays in perpetuating them, as well as to how the members of the community constantly experience them through their practical behaviours and daily actions.

How to cite this article: Iuga, Anamaria. 2016. “Intangible Hay Heritage in Șurdești.” Martor 21: 67-84