Martor No. 20 / Year 2015

Hormones, glandes et criminalité: “l’unité somato‐psychique” du délinquant dans la Grande Roumanie

Author: Corina Doboş

About the author:

Corina Doboş
Researcher at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” in Bucharest and University of Bucharest
E-mail: cori.dobos at gmail dot com

Pages: 51-66

Keywords: endocrinology, criminal behaviour, prevention, Parhon, Pende, interwar Romania

My research deals with the possibilities of interpretation of the criminal behavior opened up by the constitutional medicine and endocrinology during the inter-war era. Starting from two criminological studies of constitutional orientation issued in interwar Romania, I explore the semantic operations involved by the construction of the individual as a ‘psychosomatic unity’, as well as the larger social and political consequences of this process.

How to cite this article:

Doboş, Corina. 2015. “Hormones, glandes et criminalité: l’unité somato‐psychique du délinquant dans la Grande Roumanie.” Martor 20: 51-66.

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