Martor No. 21 / Year 2016

«Regardez si ça germe et si ça pousse!». Le processus de re-«paysannisation» des zones rouges du front occidental après la Grande Guerre

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Author: Chantal Dhennin-Lalart

About the author:

Chantal Dhennin-Lalart
Professeur, Dr., Laboratoire HILLI at ULCO, Université Lille Charles de Gaulle, France
E-mail: chantal at dhennin dot com

Pages: 25-36.

Keywords: Great War, hay and semi-natural meadows, local knowledge, agriculture, heritage.

World War I has destroyed within four years everything that the ancestral patience of cultivators had been building during millenniums of peasant labour. These traces are mostly visible on the occidental part of the ancient German-British front. More than elsewhere, the war enterprises have devastated the semi-natural territories and the cultivated ones in the region. The fact is certificated by the testimonials of rural people, by archive studies and by a part of the region’s literature which has tackled the subject, especially Le fardeau des jours by Leon Boquet (1924, Paris, Albin Michel).

How to cite this article: Dhennin-Lalart, Chantal. 2016. “«Regardez si ça germe et si ça pousse !». Le processus de re-«paysannisation» des zones rouges du front occidental après la Grande Guerre.” Martor 21: 25-36.